Thursday, July 28, 2011

Welcome to Betsy Land!

So here is my revisiting to blogging from a short stint six or so years ago.  Yes, that's right folks a new and improved Betsy is at it again and is here to ramble on about life in Betsyland: recipes, relationships, sewing, natural health, life in the midwest, random ideas, ramblings, and a few dreams to top it off.

I know am growing into a different part of myself, the creative, expressive part I suppose.  With the onset of my bout with mono a few months ago I returned to sewing after many years of dust gathering on my skills.  I never did feel confident sewing, but I'm taking another stab at it, and I think that has also led me here.

I have a secret goal in mind... to sew my wedding dress.  Ok so maybe it's not so secret anymore, but you understand right?  A girls gotta tell somebody.  This whole sewing my future dress (or maybe it'll be a sassy pants suit, who knows!) requires a lot of practice on many projects before I could ever feel confident taking on such a major public display of my work.  

I have to say, I think I can do it.  After reviewing a bunch of books from the library on sewing like a sample maker and custom sewn wedding dresses, I have gotten a little more fluency down with the lingo.  French seam, Hong Kong seam, boning, lining, underlining, facing, interfacing, serge, sew, overlock... woof.  

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